A word for those who forget to prepare

I suppose we all have days when nothing seems to go right- you can’t find your keys when it’s time to walk out the door or if you had been able to leave 5 minutes earlier, the traffic would have been smooth sailing instead of backed up to Rifle. Then there are the halcyon days and the flow runs deep.

Today, I am writing this from an entirely new studio, in a whole other part of the building (feel free to stop by and check out the new setup). It will be 4 years in July that we have been in this building but it wasn’t until April that we realized we were doing it wrong. This is the third room the fit studio has occupied since its inception. Each one had it’s moment and reasons for being where it was but now we really got it right.

Or, maybe I just wanted a new view for the people sitting on their bikes while we talk about things and settle into finding out out who we really are. Because that’s what happens in here- at some point in the 15th or 22nd minute, the barriers start to break down between us as humans and we get to look at what the real truth is. It’s nothing special or unique- each of us walks around within a shell or a bubble to deflect any sort of negativity. But just as good as that bubble is at blocking the things you don’t want, it can also block the things you do want.

So, how do you make it permeable enough for optimal performance? How do you take a step in unknown terrain so that you land in a balanced fashion and not fall face first? Experience I suppose. Did it work the first time, yes or no? If yes then do it again. If not, try something else. The catch is that if your bubble is so intact that you don’t experience anything then how can you actually tell what you are experiencing?

But no one comes to see me because they want their bubble adjusted, they come to see me because their bubble is affecting the experience they are having. This “job” that I have discovered is really very simple: pop the bubble, find the shape of the person inside, and mold that person into their perfect posture so that we can install that onto the machine they happen to own at the moment. Piece o’ cake.

It tends to go sideways if we realize that the bubble chose the bike instead of the person. Bubbles don’t ride bikes or make decisions, people do. People feel and make mistakes and learn from them and get it right eventually.

So, when it comes time to prepare for a big step, don’t forget to adjust your bubble first. Be brave enough to step out into the world as raw as possible because vulnerability will allow you to make the best decision possible. Just make damn sure you anticipate all possible outcomes before you move forward.



Don’t overlook the most important part of your body


There was an eclipse in early April…then everything got back to normal.